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Adapted Aquatics Assessment     

Conatser Adapted Aquatics
Swimming Screening Test

2nd Edition 2009

 A new & easy way to help promote swimming for people with disabilities!

 This norm-based test gives the added edge everyone has been looking for!

Do you need LEVERAGE to convince your school, hospital, or club that people with disabilities need to learn basic swimming skills?  Are you having problems finding a pool to use?

Maybe you are having problems justifying the COAST for providing aquatics to people with disabilities.  What about during an IEP meeting or obtaining a grant?  Do you say I think or I feel people w/disabilities needs to improve their aquatics skills with nothing concrete for comparison?

Who exactly would benefit the most from adapted aquatics?

Would it be beneficial for some people to have adapted aquatics the entire school year?

 This norm-based test will give you a POWERFUL tool when resolving these and many other similar types of problems.

 The age range for Cerebral Palsy & Autism is 5 - 2l & Intellectual Disability (Mental Retardation) 5 - adulthood.  If the people you work with are not from this disability population, this test is still a useful criteria-based assessment tool.

 To acquire this helpful TEST send $24 (includes postage and handling) to:


Phillip Conatser
621 Ebony St., Luguna Vista, Tx 78578 
Call (956)561-1825


Other Adapted Aquatic Assessments


Contact Information

Phillip Conatser, PhD, CAPE

Associate Professor

University of Texas RIo Grande Valley                                           

College of Health Affairs

Department of Health and Human Performance

80 Fort Brown

Brownsville, TX 78520

Office: (956) 882-5701

Cell: (956) 561-1825
